Rectory office

Rectory Office Hours: 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
from 9:00AM to 2:00PM


Holy Mass Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:
7:30 AM ( English)

7:00 PM (Polish)*
*Novena to St. Joseph 
15 minutes befor th Mass

7:00 PM (Polish)**
**Divine Mercy Novena
15 minutes before the Mass

First Friday:
7:30 AM (English)
7:00 PM (Polish)

7:30 AM (English)
5:30 PM Vigil (English)

9:30 AM (English)
11:00 AM (Polish)


Lunchtime Ministry Hoboken

Our Church will be collecting items for St. Matthew Trunity Lunchtime Ministry and Hoboken Shelter for the next several weeks. Specifically, we are looking for, canned soups, to-go coffee cups with lids, napkins, coffee, sugar, new socks and underwear, razors and deodorant, and blankets. Please make sure all items are new. Used clothing is not being accepted due to the pandemic. 

To quote Timothy Radcliffe " A Christian should not be able to sleep peacefully until he/she knows that every homeless brother in Christ can also sleep peacefully."

St. Joseph ChurchSt. Joseph's Church
founded  in 1909

Z Naszej Galerii